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St. Aubin, FRA: Terms and Conditions

Kami berupaya semaksimal mungkin agar lelang yang kami selenggarakan senantiasa bersifat fair dan transparan. Harap baca informasi berikut sebelum Anda mengajukan penawaran dan membeli.

Pendaftaran dan deposit

Pendaftaran untuk mengajukan penawaran, tidak dipungut biaya. Anda mungkin diharuskan untuk menyetor deposit yang dapat dikembalikan. Perlu diketahui bahwa Anda harus menyerahkan kartu identitas berfoto saat Anda mendaftar di situs lelang (misalnya SIM atau paspor).

Setiap lelang bersifat tanpa pagu harga

Setiap barang dijual kepada penawar tertinggi pada hari lelang, tidak ada harga minimum atau penetapan harga yang dilakukan sebelum lelang. Pemilik barang dilarang menawar barang yang mereka jual. Penawaran tidak dapat dibatalkan, dan seluruh penjualan bersifat final. Jika Anda keluar sebagai penawar tertinggi saat juru lelang mengumumkan bahwa barang telah terjual kepada Anda, maka Anda menjadi pemilik baru dari barang tersebut.

Segala sesuatunya dijual "apa adanya, di mana adanya"

Kami merekomendasikan kepada Anda agar mengunjungi lokasi lelang kami untuk memeriksa setiap barang yang ingin Anda beli sebelum mengajukan penawaran pada hari lelang. Anda juga dapat mengirim seseorang ke lokasi untuk melakukan pemeriksaan atas nama Anda.

Biaya pembeli

Tinjau biaya pembeli kami sebelum melakukan penawaran.

Pembayaran dan pemindahan barang

Pembelian harus dibayar lunas dalam waktu tujuh (7) hari setelah hari lelang.Pihak pembeli tidak dapat mengambil barang yang mereka beli dari lokasi lelang hingga invoicenya telah dibayar lunas.Jika Ritchie Bros. tidak bisa memberikan hak kepemilikan yang jelas atas suatu barang yang dibeli, maka pembeli berhak memperoleh pengembalian penuh atas harga beli.

Baca syarat dan ketentuan mengenai pengajuan penawaran

Informasi ini semata-mata disediakan sebagai ringkasan panduan. Bila Anda berpartisipasi dalam sebuah lelang, Anda harus meninjau dan menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan selengkapnya sebelum Anda mengajukan penawaran (tercantum dalam katalog lelang Anda dan saat Anda masuk ke lelang secara online). Harap tinjau syarat dan ketentuan lengkap secara teliti.

Additional Notes


VAT and other DUTIES as they may apply are the BUYER'S RESPONSIBILITY. The following rules apply to purchases made in auctions that take place physically inside the European Union.

Value Added Tax (VAT) will apply in the following cases:

  1. Items that remain in the country where the auction takes place.

  2. Companies that are registered in the country where the auction takes place.

  3. EU buyers who fail to provide a valid VAT number and/or EU buyers who fail to provide valid proof of transport (complete CMR) within 90 days after the invoice date.

  4. Non EU buyers who fail to provide correct and complete Export Documents to RBA within the 90 days since invoice date.

Valid proof of transport for EU buyers:

A valid CMR document must mention the Ritchie Bros company as the sender in box 1, lot number and full lot description in box 6, signature of the receiver in box 24, plus the rest of the usual information.

Valid proof of transport for Exportation:

Official Customs documents provided by the corresponding Customs Authorities. The corresponding Ritchie Bros company must appear as the exporter on the export document. The lots must be clearly described and identifiable. We require the final proof of export (i.e. "exit confirmation" or "goods departed" confirmation). A document showing intention is not considered sufficient.

Important notice for Non-EU buyers

Buyers that will export the goods out of the European Union (non-EU buyers) are required to pay a deposit on all pieces of equipment bought at the auction. The deposit equals the local standard VAT rate calculated on the purchase price of the equipment. This deposit will be refunded to the nominated bank account of the buyer within five (5) business days after presentation of Proof of Final Export. This Proof of Final Export can be provided by your customs broker or freight forwarder. Non-EU Buyers should provide accurate bank details in order to facilitate timely refund of deposits.

To avoid the VAT deposit Non-EU buyers can engage the services of RB Logistics:

RB LogisticsThe NetherlandsTel. + 31 168 392200Fax. + 31 168 392250logistics@rbauction.com

European Union Machinery Directive

Effective January 1, 1995Certain items in this auction may require CE-marking. Items that are not CE-marked are offered for sale on the condition that any buyer intending to sell or use such item within the European Union will take the necessary measures to certify the item, if and as required under the European Union Legislation on Machinery implemented in the national legislation of the relevant member countries. The purchaser is responsible for all costs related to certification and upgrading. Please contact the manufacturer or his authorized representative within the EU for details.

Bonded Free Zone

The auctions of Moerdijk (NL), St-Aubin (FR) and Ocana (ES) are conducted in a bonded free zone. Certain items identified in the sale day listing catalogue, or otherwise announced at the auction, as "Not Duty Free Circulation EU" have not been entered into the European Union. It is the purchaser's responsibility to satisfy requirements of any kind in respect to the importation of any items into the European Union, or any other country. Such responsibility includes compliance with laws and regulations of the country including payment of taxes and duties, obtaining proper approvals and complying with any other requirements. The purchaser will engage his own broker. Ritchie Bros will not charge Value Added Tax (VAT) on these lots if properly cleared. Nominal documentation charges to the buyer for clearing the free zone will apply. Customs brokers will be on site to provide this service.

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